Industrial Revolution Book Back Questions & Answers

Unit 10 > Social > Class 9 > Samacheer Kalvi - English Medium

    Choose the correct answer

  • 1. Who established the first steam boat service?

    a. Arkwright

    b. Samuel Crompton

    c. Robert Fulton

    d. James Watt

    Correct answer: c. Robert Fulton

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  • 2. Why was Manchester considered ideal for textile production?

    a. availability of land

    b. rich human resources

    c. better living condition

    d. cool climate

    Correct answer: d. cool climate

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  • 3. Who invented the sewing machine?

    a. Elias Howe

    b. EliWhitney

    c. Samuel Crompton

    d. Humphrey Davy

    Correct answer: a. Elias Howe

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  • 4. Which family introduced steam engine in France?

    a. de Wendel

    b. de Hindal

    c. de Arman

    d. de Renault

    Correct answer: a. de Wendel

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  • 5. Who called Slater, the father of American Industrial Revolution?

    a. F.D. Roosevelt

    b. Andrew Jackson

    c. Winston Churchill

    d. Woodrow Wilson

    Correct answer: b. Andrew Jackson

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  • 6. Which of the following is observed to commemorate the Hay Market Massacre?

    a. Independence Day

    b. Farmers Day

    c. Labour Day

    d. Martyrs Day

    Correct answer: c. Labour Day

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  • 7. Where was Zollverein Customs Union formed?

    a. England

    b. Germany

    c. France

    d. America

    Correct answer: b. Germany

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  • 8. Who produced the first batch of automobiles in France?

    a. Louis Renault

    b. Armand Peugeot

    c. Thomas Alva Edison

    d. McAdam

    Correct answer: b. Armand Peugeot

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  • 9. What was the invention that removed seeds from cotton?

    a. Rolling Mill

    b. Cotton Gin

    c. Spinning Mule

    d. Spinning Jenny

    Correct answer: b. Cotton Gin

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  • 10. Which of the following was used as fuel in olden days to smelt iron?

    a. Coke

    b. Charcoal

    c. Firewood

    d. Paper

    Correct answer: b. Charcoal

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  • Fill in the blanks

  • 1. ________ called for voting rights to men in England

    Correct answer: Chartism

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  • 2. _________changed the way roads were built around the world.

    Correct answer: John Loudon McAdam

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  • 3. ___________discovered a faster and cheaper method of production of steel.

    Correct answer: Henry Bessemer

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  • 4. __________advocated scientific socialism

    Correct answer: Karl Marx

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  • 5. The first railroad line started in Germany was in the year ________.

    Correct answer: 1835

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  • Find out the correct statement

  • 1. i) British mineowners were faced with the problem of water seeping into their mines ii) Employing human labour was cheap for this work iii) Newton invented a steam engine to pump water out of mines iv) Water had to be removed to get coal in mines

    a. (i) is correct

    b. (ii) and (iii) are correct

    c. (i) and (iv) are correct

    d. iii) is correct

    Correct answer: c. (i) and (iv) are correct

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  • 2. i) Trade Unions were formed by labourers to get their rights ii) Germanys political setup was the most significant challenge for the industrial revolution iii) To protect capitalists Karl Marx advocated socialism iv) There were no natural resources in Germany

    a. (i) is correct

    b. (ii) and (iii) are correct

    c. (i) and (iv) are correct

    c. (i) and (iv) are correct

    Correct answer: a. (i) is correct

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  • 3. Assertion (A): Workers had rights to get holidays. Reason (R): There were laws to protect the workers.

    a) A is coiirrect R is wrong

    b) Both A & R are wrong

    c) Both A and R are correct

    d) A is correct R is not correct explanation of A

    Correct answer: b) Both A & R are wrong

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  • 4. Assertion (A): Slater was called the Father of the American Industrial Revolution. Reason (R): His spinning textile mill was duplicated and his techniques became popular.

    a) A is correct and R is the correct explanation of A

    b)A is wrong and R is the correct explanation of A

    c) Both A and R are wrong

    d) Both A and R are correct

    Correct answer: a) A is correct and R is the correct explanation of A

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  • Match the following

  • 1. Benz

    Correct answer: Germany

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  • 2. Safety Lamp

    Correct answer: Humphrey Davy

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  • 3. Quadricycle

    Correct answer: Louis Renault

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  • 4. Great Railroad

    Correct answer: U.S.A

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  • 5. Coalfield

    Correct answer: Lancashire Strike

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