The Night the Ghost Got in

Unit 2 > English > Class 10 > Samacheer Kalvi - English Medium


a)hullabaloo (v) - lot of loud noise made by people who are excited. b) patrolman(n) - a patrolling police officer. c)attic(n) - a space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building d) slamming(v) - shutting a door or window forcefully and loudly. e) gruffly(adv.) - sadly f)intuitively(adv.) - without conscious reasoning, instinctively g) whammed(v) - struck something forcefully h) bevelled(v) - reduced to a slopping edge i)rending(v) - tearing to pieces j)yanked(v) - pulled with a jerk k)zither(n) - a musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden sound box with numerous strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and played with fingers l) guinea pig(n) - a domesticated tailless South American rodent originally raised for food m) hysterical(adj.) - affected by wildly uncontrolled emotion n)creaking(v) - making a squeaking sound when being moved o) indignant(adj.) - feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment p) holster(n) a holder made of leather for carrying handgun q) rafter(n) - a beam forming part of the internal framework of a roof r) deserter(n) - a person who leaves the armed force without permission.