Tech Bloomers Book Back Questions & Answers

Unit 5 > English > Class 10 > Samacheer Kalvi - English Medium

    Fill in the gaps with personal pronouns.

  • 1. Kumaravel lives in Thiruvannamalai. _________ is a doctor. All the people like __________ because of __________ helping nature. _________ hospital is located at Car street and most of ___________ patients are poor so ________ does not charge much money. __________ daughter goes to school. ________ studies in 5th Standard.__________ teachers love _________ very much. ______ friends are also very good. __________ always encourage __________. _________ have given ________ good advice. _________ mother is also a teacher. _________ always encourages _______ to keep studying. I also like her as _________ often comes to _______ house. One day _______ told my mother that _________ wants to learn cooking. __________ mother taught _________ cooking. Now, _________ cooks well

    Correct answer: He, him, his, his, his,he, his, she, her, her, her, they, her, they, her, her, she,her, she, my, she, she, my, her, she

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  • Fill in the gaps with appropriate Pronouns.

  • 1. _____________ is an excellent opportunity.

    Correct answer: This

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  • 2. _____________ of these two students can solve this question.

    Correct answer: One

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  • 3. _____________ books have been written by a great Indian writer.

    Correct answer: These

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  • 4. _____________ have come to know the truth.

    Correct answer: They

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  • 5. _____________ of the students have passed the exam.

    Correct answer: Many

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  • 6. _____________ of your friends can guide you.

    Correct answer: Some

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  • 7. _____________ is your story based on your real life.

    Correct answer: This

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  • 8. All your friends will guide _____________

    Correct answer: you

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  • 9. _____________ of his family members would come to visit you.

    Correct answer: All

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  • 10. _____________ of those books will be helpful to you.

    Correct answer: Some

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  • 11. _____________ is your bag, you can take it anytime.

    Correct answer: This

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  • 12. He _____________ is responsible for the downfall of his life.

    Correct answer: himself

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  • Join the sentences using ‘ Relative Pronouns’.

  • 1. I have book. It is written by Rabindranath Tagore.

    Correct answer: I have a book, which is written by Rabindranath Tagore.

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  • 2. Kavita is my teacher. She teaches us English.

    Correct answer: Kavita is my teacher, who teaches us English.

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  • 3. This is Varun. His father is an architect.

    Correct answer: This is Varun, whose father is an architect.

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  • 4. She invited most of her friends. They attended the party.

    Correct answer: Most of her friends whom she invited attended the party.

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  • 5. Give me a pen to write a letter. It was gifted to you on your birthday.

    Correct answer: Give me a pen which was gifted to you on your birthday to write a letter.

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  • 6. I have sold the house. It was located at the bank of a river.

    Correct answer: I have sold the house, that was located at the bank of a river.

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  • 7. Here is your watch. It has been found in the garden.

    Correct answer: Here is your watch, which has been found in the garden.

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  • Read the different verb forms where they remain the same in the direct and indirect speech in the following cases. Fill in the blanks with missing indirect speech.

  • 1. If the reporting verb is in the present tense. I am enjoying my holiday. Krish says that he is enjoying his holiday. I will never go to work.Kavi says that ________ ____________________

    Correct answer: she will never go to work.

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  • 2. When we report a universal truth (something that is always true) Asia is the largest continent. Balu said that Asia is the largest continent. People in Africa are starving. Alisha said that ________ ____________________

    Correct answer: people in Africa are starving.

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  • 3. With modal verbs would, might, could, should, ought to, used to. I might come. Shalini said that she might come. I would try it.Vinoth said that _______ _____________________

    Correct answer: he would try it.

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  • 4. With would rather, had better I would rather fly.Chitti said that he would rather fly. They had better go. Sophia said that _______

    Correct answer: they had better go.

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  • 5. In if-clauses and time-clauses If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy. Sriram said that if he tidied his room, his dad would be happy. When I was staying in Madurai I met my best friend.Jaheer said that _______

    Correct answer: when he was staying in Madurai, he met his best friend.

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  • 6. We do not usually change the modal verbs must and neednt. But must can become had to or would have to and neednt can become didnt have to or wouldnt have to if we want to express an obligation. Would/wouldnt have to are used to talk about future obligations. I must wash up. She said that she must wash up / she had to wash up. We must do it in June. He said that ______________________

    Correct answer: they must do it in June / they had to do in June.

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  • Read the following dialogue and report it.

  • 1. Johnson asked Suganthi _____________ .

    Correct answer: what she was doing there

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  • 2. And he said _____________ since June.

    Correct answer: that he hadnt seen her

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  • 3. Suganthi explained that _____________ back from her holiday in Ooty.

    Correct answer: she had just come

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  • 4. Johnson wondered if _____________it.

    Correct answer: she had enjoyed

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  • 5. Suganthi told him that she _______Ooty and that the people _____________ so friendly.

    Correct answer: loved, had been

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  • 6. Johnson wanted to know _____________ to the Coakers Walk.

    Correct answer: if she had gone

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  • 7. Suganthi said that it _____________ first trip and that she _____________ some pictures.

    Correct answer: was her,could show him

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  • 8. And then she asked him if he _____________Johnson explained that he _____________ a couple of things.

    Correct answer: is doing anything the next day, had to arrange

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  • 9. But he added that he _____________ free at night.

    Correct answer: is

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  • 10. Suganthi suggested that he _____________place and asked him at what time _____________.

    Correct answer: might come to her ,they could meet

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  • 11. Johnson said he _____________ there at eight.

    Correct answer: would be

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  • 12. And finally he asked _____________ all right.

    Correct answer: whether it was

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  • Tick the right choice (Indirect Speech).

  • 1. Who took my English book? He was curious to know who...

    a. took my English

    b. had taken his English book.

    c. takes his English book.

    d. has taken my English book.

    Correct answer: b. had taken his English book.

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  • 2. Where does Helen live? Jim wants to know where...

    a. Helen lived.

    b. Helen lives.

    c. Helen had lived.

    d. does Helen live?

    Correct answer: b. Helen lives.

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  • 3. Why do volcanoes erupt? She wondered why...

    a. volcanoes erupt.

    b. volcanoes had erupted.

    c. volcanoes erupted.

    d. did volcanoes erupt?

    Correct answer: c. volcanoes erupted.

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  • 4. Do you know why she is unhappy? He asked me if ..... unhappy

    a. I know why she is

    b. you know why she was

    c. did I know why she was

    d. I knew why she was

    Correct answer: d. I knew why she was

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  • 5. How many photos have you got? He wants to know how many....

    a. photos I had got.

    b. photos you have got.

    c. photos had I got?

    d. photos I have got.

    Correct answer: d. photos I have got.

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  • Pick out the contractions from the lesson and expand them.

  • 1. Contraction: im

    Correct answer: Expansion: I am

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  • 2. Contraction: youre

    Correct answer: Expansion: you are

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  • 3. Contraction: Its

    Correct answer: Expansion: It has

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  • 4. Contraction: Dont

    Correct answer: Expansion: Do not

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  • 5. Contraction: didnt

    Correct answer: Expansion: did not

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  • 6. Contraction: Id

    Correct answer: Expansion: I would

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  • Expand the following abbreviations or acronyms

  • 1. SIM

    Correct answer: Subscriber Identity Module

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  • 2. ISRO

    Correct answer: Indian Space Research Organisation

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  • 3. WHO

    Correct answer: World Health Organisation

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  • 4. CCTV

    Correct answer: Closed Circuit Television

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  • 5. HDMI

    Correct answer: High Definition Multimedia Interface

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  • 6. LASER

    Correct answer: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

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  • 7. MRI

    Correct answer: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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  • 8. CRY

    Correct answer: Child Rights and You

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  • 9. RAM

    Correct answer: Random Access Memory

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  • 10. ROM

    Correct answer: Read Only Memory

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  • 11. CPU

    Correct answer: Central Processing Unit

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  • 12. ALU

    Correct answer: Arithmetic Logic Unit

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  • Complete the sentences with the correct abbreviations or acronyms from the given list.

  • 1. My dad wakes up very early in the morning because he has to be at work at 6.00 .

    Correct answer: a.m.

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  • 2. Socrates, the famous Classical Greek Athenian philosopher, died in 399 .

    Correct answer: BCE

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  • 3. Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous Italian polymath, a painter, a sculptor, an architect, a musician, a scientist .

    Correct answer: etc.

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  • 4. I usually return home from work at 10.30 .

    Correct answer: p.m.

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  • 5. John downloaded a clip from YouTube in quality.

    Correct answer: HD

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  • 6. There are many irregular verbs in the English language, break, do, make.

    Correct answer: e.g.

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  • 7. Im watching a great football match, Barcelona Real Madrid.

    Correct answer: vs

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  • 8. Humans who dive without protection can survive 300 under water.

    Correct answer: m

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  • 9. A 11-year-old girl just beat Einstein on an test.

    Correct answer: IQ

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  • 10. We used the facility to track the location.

    Correct answer: GPS

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  • Listen to the passage and state whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or no information (N)?

  • 1. Santhiya cant live without her mobile phone.

    Correct answer: FALSE

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  • 2. Her parents bought her the mobile phone one year ago.

    Correct answer: FALSE

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  • 3. Theres a calculator in her mobile.

    Correct answer: TRUE

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  • 4. She can connect to the Internet on her mobile.

    Correct answer: TRUE

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  • 5. She cant read emails on her mobile.

    Correct answer: FALSE

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  • 6. There are often a lot of problems with mobile phones.

    Correct answer: TRUE

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  • 7. Santhiya always talks on her mobile to her friends.

    Correct answer: FALSE

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  • 8. She doesnt like mobile phones.

    Correct answer: FALSE

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  • Listen to the passage again and answer the questions.

  • 1. Where does Santhiya keep her mobile?

    Correct answer: Santhya keeps her mobile in her Bag or in her pocket

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  • 2. What can she use it for?

    Correct answer: she uses her mobile to communicate, to calculate, connect to the internet

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  • 3. When was she cycling?

    Correct answer: She was cycling last year on a holiday

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  • 4. What happened there?

    Correct answer: It started raining. Her friend fell off her bike and broke her leg

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  • 5. How did Santhiya solve the problem?

    Correct answer: She telephoned a doctor for help and the doctor arrived in minute.

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  • Complete the sentences after reading the passage.

  • 1. Santhiyas parents and friends can always ___________ her.

    Correct answer: contact

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  • 2. Her mobile phone is also a kind of _________________.

    Correct answer: information

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  • 3. On the cycling holiday after the accident Santhiya phoned for __________.

    Correct answer: help

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  • 4. Mobile phones often ___________ at the wrong moment.

    Correct answer: ring

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  • 5. Children can feel ________________ when they have their mobile phones with them.

    Correct answer: safe

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  • Fill in the missing words in this email.

  • 1. Dear sir, In ____________ to your mail, I have prepared a ____________ for the Science Fest. Please find ____________ the ____________for ____________your kind perusal. I look ____________ to hearing from you. Sincerely ____________

    Correct answer: response, model , corrections in, attached document, forward, Thrinithran.E

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