No Men Are Foreign Book Back Questions & Answers

Unit 6 > English > Class 10 > Samacheer Kalvi - English Medium

    Based on the understanding of the poem, read the following lines and answer the questions given below.

  • 1. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. a) What is found beneath all uniforms?

    Correct answer: Humans are found beneath all uniforms

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  • 2. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. b) What is same for every one of us?

    Correct answer: The earth we walk upon is the same for all of us.

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  • 3. Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie. c) Where are we all going to lie finally?

    Correct answer: We are all going to lie in the same land.

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  • 4. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by wars long winter starvd. a) What is common for all of us?

    Correct answer: The sun, air and water are common for all of us.

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  • 5. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by wars long winter starvd. b) How are we fed?

    Correct answer: We are fed by peaceful harvest.

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  • 6. They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by wars long winter starvd. c) Mention the season referred here?

    Correct answer: Winter is the season referred here.

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  • 7. Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read A labour not different from our own. a) Who does their refer to?

    Correct answer: Their' refers to all people from different countries.

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  • 8. Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read A labour not different from our own. b) What does the poet mean by lines we read?

    Correct answer: The poet means lines that show hard work done by the hands.

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  • 9. Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read A labour not different from our own. c) What does not differ?

    Correct answer: The work of other country's people does not differ from ours.

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  • 10. Let us remember, whenever we are told To hate our brothers, it is ourselves That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn. a) Who tells us to hate our brothers?

    Correct answer:

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  • 11. Let us remember, whenever we are told To hate our brothers, it is ourselves That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn. b) What happens when we hate our brothers?

    Correct answer: When we hate our brothers We hate ourselves.

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  • 12. Let us remember, whenever we are told To hate our brothers, it is ourselves That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn. c) What do we do to ourselves?

    Correct answer: We disposes, betyray condemn ourselves, when we hate our brothers

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  • 13. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence Of air that is everywhere our own, Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. a) What outrages the innocence?

    Correct answer: The fire and dust caused during a war outrages the innocence of air.

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  • 14. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence Of air that is everywhere our own, Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. b) Who are not foreign?

    Correct answer: The people who belong to earth are not foreign.

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  • 15. Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence Of air that is everywhere our own, Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange. c) What is not strange?

    Correct answer: Other countries on earth are not strange.

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  • Based on your understanding of the poem complete the following by choosing the appropriate words/phrases given in brackets:

  • 1. This poem is about the ______ of all men.

    Correct answer: brotherhood

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  • 2. The subject of the poem is the ______race, despite of the difference in colour, caste, creed, religion, country etc. All human beings are same.

    Correct answer: unity of human

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  • 3. We walk on the ______and we will be buried under it. Each and everyone of us are related to the other. We all are born same and die in the same way.

    Correct answer: same land

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  • 4. We may wear different uniforms like ______ during wars the opposing side will also have the same ______ like ours.

    Correct answer: language, dreams and aspirations

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  • 5. We as human do they same labour with ______and look at the world with the ______.

    Correct answer: our hand, same eye

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  • 6. Waging war against others as they belong to a different country is like attacking our own selves. It is the ______ we impair.

    Correct answer: breathing body

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  • 7. We all share the same ______. We are similar to each other.

    Correct answer: human earth

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  • 8. So the poet concludes that we shouldnt have wars as it is ________ to fight against us.

    Correct answer: unnatural

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