His First Flight Book Back Questions & Answers

Unit 1 > English > Class 10 > Samacheer Kalvi - English Medium

    Complete these sentences using appropriate modals. The clues in the brackets will help you.

  • 1. When I was a child, I _____ climb trees easily but now I cant. (ability in the past)

    Correct answer: used to

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  • 2. I _____ win this singing contest. (determination)

    Correct answer: will

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  • 3. You _____ buy this book. It is worth buying. (advice or suggestion)

    Correct answer: shall

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  • 4. Poongothai _____ speak several languages. (ability in the present)

    Correct answer: can

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  • 5. I swear I _____ tell lies again. (promise)

    Correct answer: will not

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  • 6. My father play _____ badminton in the evenings when he was at college. (past habit)

    Correct answer: used to

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  • 7. You _____ do as I say! (command)

    Correct answer: must

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  • 8. _____ I have another glass of water? (request)

    Correct answer: may

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  • 9. Sibi has not practised hard but he _____ win the race. (possibility)

    Correct answer: might

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  • 10. We _____ preserve our natural resources. (duty)

    Correct answer: should

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  • Rewrite the following sentences by rectifying the errors in the use of modals.

  • 1. Would I have your autograph?

    Correct answer: May I have your autograph

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  • 2. I can be fifteen next April.

    Correct answer: I will be fifteen next April.

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  • 3. Take an umbrella. It should rain later.

    Correct answer: Take an umbrella. It may rain later.

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  • 4. The magistrate ordered that he might pay the fine.

    Correct answer: The magistrate ordered that he must pay the fine.

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  • 5. Make me a cup of tea, shall you?

    Correct answer: Make me a cup of tea, will you?

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  • 6. You may speak politely to the elders.

    Correct answer: You must speak politely to the elders.

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  • 7. You will get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.

    Correct answer: You should get your teeth cleaned at least once a year.

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  • 8. We could grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we dont do it now.

    Correct answer: We used to grow vegetables in our kitchen garden but we dont do it now.

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  • 9. Must I get your jacket? The weather is cold.

    Correct answer: can I get your jacket? The weather is cold.

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  • 10. Could the train be on time?

    Correct answer: Will the train be on time?

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  • Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with suitable modals.

  • 1. Dad: _____ we go out for dinner tonight?

    Correct answer: shall

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  • 2. Charan: Yes, Dad. We_____ go to a restaurant where I_____ have some ice cream

    Correct answer: shall ,can

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  • 3. Dad: OK. Then, I____ be home by 7 p.m. Mom and you____ be ready by then.

    Correct answer: will , should

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  • 4. Charan: Sure. We____ . My friend told me that there is a magic show nearby._____ you please take us there?

    Correct answer: will , could

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  • 5. Dad: We_____ not have time to go for the magic show, I suppose. If we have enough time left, we _____ plan.

    Correct answer: may , will

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  • 6. Charan: By the way_____, we inform our gate keeper about our outing?

    Correct answer: should

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  • 7. Dad: Yes, we_____so that he_____ be aware we arent at home.

    Correct answer: should , will

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  • 8. Charan:_____ I call up Mom and tell her about our plan today?

    Correct answer: shall

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  • 9. Dad: You_____ to. Otherwise, we might be in trouble when she returns home.

    Correct answer: ought

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  • 10. Charan: Hmm by the time you come home in the evening, we_____ be waiting for you. Hope you_____ be late. Bye.

    Correct answer: will , won't

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  • Read the following dialogues and supply appropriate modals.

  • 1. Student: Can we leave our bags in the class during the break?

    Correct answer: Teacher: Yes, you can but arrange them neatly.

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  • 2. Passenger: My child is 6 years old. Do I have to buy him a ticket?

    Correct answer: Conductor: Yes, you should . It costs half of the price of an adult ticket.

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  • 3. Vani: Can we go for coffee after the meeting?

    Correct answer: Yoga: No, I can't . I have to go home.

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  • 4. Salesman: When can I receive my order?

    Correct answer: Customer: I can assure you sir, the order will be delivered tomorrow

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  • 5. Neela: Do you think I should write about my education background in the resume?

    Correct answer: Preethi: Yes, you should. You would get a better job.

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  • Change the following sentences to the other voice.

  • 1. The manager appointed many office assistants.

    Correct answer: Many office assistants were appointed by the manager.

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  • 2. You are making a cake now.

    Correct answer: A cake is being made by you now

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  • 3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother.

    Correct answer: My grandmother painted that portrait

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  • 4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter.

    Correct answer: A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her daughter

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  • 5. They have asked me to pay the fine.

    Correct answer: I have been asked to pay the fine by them

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  • 6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police.

    Correct answer: The Police was taking the millitants to prison

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  • 7. His behaviour vexes me.

    Correct answer: I am vexed by his behaviour

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  • 8. Rosy will solve the problem.

    Correct answer: The problem will be solved by Rosy

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  • 9. Our army has defeated the enemy.

    Correct answer: The enemy has been defeated by our army

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  • 10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently.

    Correct answer: All the questions were answered patiently by the salesman

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  • Change the following into Passive voice.

  • 1. Please call him at once.

    Correct answer: You are requested to call him at once.

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  • 2. How did you cross the river?

    Correct answer: How was the river crossed by you?

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  • 3. No one is borrowing the novels from the library.

    Correct answer: The novels from the library are not being borrowed by any one

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  • 4. Will you help me?

    Correct answer: Will I be helped by you?

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  • 5. Go for a jog early in the morning.

    Correct answer: You are advised to go for a jog early in the morning

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  • 6. Why have you left your brother at home?

    Correct answer: Why has your brother been left at home by you ?

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  • 7. Nobody should violate the rules.

    Correct answer: The rules should not be violated by anyone.

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  • 8. Someone has to initiate it immediately.

    Correct answer: It has to be initiated by someone immediately

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  • 9. Have you invited Raman to the party?

    Correct answer: Has Raman been invited by you to the party?

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  • 10. Please do not walk on the grass.

    Correct answer: You are requested not to walk on the grass

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  • 11. Cross the busy roads carefully.

    Correct answer: You are instructed to cross the busy roads carefully

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  • 12. When will you book the tickets to Bengaluru?

    Correct answer: When will the tickets be booked by you to Bengaluru?

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  • Change each of the following sentences into two passives using direct object as the subject in one and indirect in the other.

  • 1. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill. a: Jill was given__________ b: A bar of chocolate was given_________

    Correct answer: a. a bar of chocolate by John, b. by John to Jill

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  • 2. Pragathi lent a pencil to Keerthana. a.____________________________ b.____________________________

    Correct answer: a. Keerthana was lent a Pencil by Pragathi, b. A pencil was lent by Pragathi to Keerthana

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  • 3. Sudha told the truth to her friend. a._________________________ b. ________________________

    Correct answer: a. Sudha's friend was told the truth by Sudha, b. The truth was told by Sudha to her friend

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  • 4. They offered the job to Venkat. a._______________________ b. ______________________

    Correct answer: a. Venkat was offered the job by them, b. The job was offered by them to Venkat

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  • 5. The boss showed the new computer to Kaviya. a.______________________ b. ______________________

    Correct answer: a. Kaviya was shown the new computer by the boss, b. The new computer was shown by the boss to Kaviya

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  • Read the following sentences and change the form of the underlined words as directed.

  • 1. His family was screaming and offering him food. (to adjective)

    Correct answer: His screaming family offered him food

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  • 2. The young seagull gave out a loud call. (to adverb)

    Correct answer: The young seagull called out loudly

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  • 3. The bird cackled amusedly while flying. (to noun)

    Correct answer: The bird cackled with amusement while flying

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  • 4. The depth of the sea from the ledge scared the seagull. (to adjective)

    Correct answer: The deep sea scared the seagull on the ledge

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  • 5. The successful flight of the bird was a proud moment for the seagulls family. (to verb)

    Correct answer: The bird flew successfully which was a proud movement for the seagull's family

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  • Here is a travelogue by the students of Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Pattukkottai after their trip to Darjeeling. Listen to the travelogue and answer the following questions.

  • 1. The students visited______ city.

    Correct answer: Darjeeling

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  • 2. _____ is the third highest mountain in the world.

    Correct answer: Kanchenjunga

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  • 3. _____hill is 13 km away from Darjeeling.

    Correct answer: Tiger

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  • 4. The drinking water is supplied by_____ lake to the city.

    Correct answer: Senchal

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  • 5. After Senchal lake, they visited_____-

    Correct answer: Batasia Loop

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  • 6. Do you think they had a memorable and enjoyable school trip?

    Correct answer: Yes, I am sure they had a memorable and enjoyable school trip

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  • 7. Name a few places that you wish to visit with your classmates as a school trip.

    Correct answer: I wish to visit Taj Mahal, ooty and Madurai with my classmates as a school trip.

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  • State whether the following statements are True or False.

  • 1. As the sky was cloudy, they could get the glimpse of the Mount Everest.

    Correct answer: False

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  • 2. The toy train covers 14 km in three hours.

    Correct answer: True

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  • 3. Tiger hill has earned international fame for the best sunset view.

    Correct answer: True

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