Carbon and its Compounds Book Back Questions & Answers

Unit 11 > Science > Class 10 > Samacheer Kalvi - English Medium

    Choose the correct answer

  • 1. The molecular formula of an open chain organic compound is C3H6. The class of the compound is

    a. alkane

    b. alkene

    c. alkyne

    d. alcohol

    Correct answer: b. alkene

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  • 2. The IUPAC name of an organic compound is 3-Methyl butan-1-ol. What type compound it is?

    a. Aldehyde

    b. Carboxylic acid

    c. Ketone

    d. Alcohol

    Correct answer: d. Alcohol

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  • 3. The secondary suffix used in IUPAC nomenclature of an aldehyde is ____

    a. - ol

    b. oic acid

    c. - al

    d. - one

    Correct answer: c. - al

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  • 4. Which of the following pairs can be the successive members of a homologous series?

    a. C3H8 and C4H10

    b. C2H2 and C2H4

    c. CH4 and C3H6

    d. C2H5OH and C4H8OH

    Correct answer: a. C3H8 and C4H10

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  • 5. C2H5OH + 3O2 ---> 2CO2 + 3H2O is a

    a. Reduction of ethanol

    b. Combustion of ethanol

    c. Oxidation of ethanoic acid

    d. Oxidation of ethanal

    Correct answer: b. Combustion of ethanol

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  • 6. Rectified spirit is an aqueous solution which contains about _______ of ethanol

    a. 95.5 %

    b. 75.5 %

    c. 55.5 %

    d. 45.5 %

    Correct answer: a. 95.5 %

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  • 7. Which of the following are used as anaesthetics?

    a. Carboxylic acids

    b. Ethers

    c. Esters

    d. Aldehydes

    Correct answer: b. Ethers

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  • 8. FM in soaps represents ___________ content in soap

    a. mineral

    b. vitamin

    c. fatty acid

    d. carbohydrate

    Correct answer: c. fatty acid

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  • 9. Which of the following statements is wrong about detergents?

    a. It is a sodium salt of long chain fatty acids

    b. It is sodium salts of sulphonic acids

    c. The ionic part in a detergent is -SO3-Na+

    d. It is effective even in hard water.

    Correct answer: a. It is a sodium salt of long chain fatty acids

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  • Fill in the blanks

  • 1. An atom or a group of atoms which is responsible for chemical characteristics of an organic compound is called ____________.

    Correct answer: functional group

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  • 2. The general molecular formula of alkynes is _____________

    Correct answer: CnH2n-2

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  • 3. In IUPAC name, the carbon skeleton of a compound is represented by _________ (root word / prefix / suffix)

    Correct answer: root word

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  • 4. (Saturated / Unsaturated) ___________ compounds decolourize bromine water.

    Correct answer: Unsaturated

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  • 5. Dehydration of ethanol by conc. Sulphuric acid forms _______ (ethene/ ethane)

    Correct answer: ethene

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  • 6. 100 % pure ethanol is called ____________

    Correct answer: absolute alcohol

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  • 7. Ethanoic acid turns _______ litmus to _________

    Correct answer: blue, Red

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  • 8. The alkaline hydrolysis of fatty acids is termed as _____________

    Correct answer: saponification

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  • 9. Biodegradable detergents are made of _________(branched / straight) chain hydrocarbons

    Correct answer: straight

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  • Match the following

  • 1. Functional group -OH

    Correct answer: Alcohol

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  • 2. Heterocyclic

    Correct answer: Furan

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  • 3. Unsaturated

    Correct answer: Ethene

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  • 4. Soap

    Correct answer: Potassium stearate

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  • 5. Carbocyclic

    Correct answer: Benzene

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  • Assertion and reason

  • 1. (A): Assertion: Detergents are more effective cleansing agents than soaps in hard water... (R): Reason: Calcium and magnesium salts of detergents are water soluble

    A and R are correct, R explains the A.

    A is correct, R is wrong.

    A is wrong, R is correct.

    A and R are correct, R doesnt explains A.

    Correct answer: A and R are correct, R explains the A.

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  • 2. (A): Assertion: Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons... (R): Reason: Hydrocarbons consist of covalent bonds

    A and R are correct, R explains the A.

    A is correct, R is wrong.

    A is wrong, R is correct.

    A and R are correct, R doesnt explains A.

    Correct answer: A and R are correct, R doesnt explains A.

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